World Witches Series Wiki

Françoise de Geoffre de Chabrignac is a witch originating from Gallia.


During the battle in Orussia, she was approached to become the commander of the 506th Joint Fighter Wing, after Flying Officer Clostermann declined. Because Françoise rank was as low as a baron, there were concerns. She Declined the proposition because it was difficult to move out of Orussia at the moment due to the war situation and there was no other person to organize the unit.

Striker units[]

Armurier de l'Aéronautique VG.39bis (No. 40)[]
VG39bis Chabrignac SW OVA3
Gallia sent this unit to Orussia when she was approached to become the commander of the 506th Joint Fighter Wing. It has a distinctive light blue color on the lower part. It is believed to be because it was used for high altitude reconnaissance.



Strike Witches II A complete record of 501st Joint Fighter Wing 5.
