World Witches Series Wiki

What is her ability?[]

What is her ability?[]

Out of the three 502nd's crashers, Nipa has fast regeneration, Naoe has super dense shields but Walturd's a blank. --ReiKusanagi (talk) 03:18, December 23, 2012 (UTC)

She doesn't have one. Paradoxical Frog (talk)

It's based on Erich Hartmann's experiences with Walter Krupinski, the two major ones being when they met after Hartmann was first sent to the JG.52, when he arrived at the airfield a heavily damaged plane crashed on the runway and exploded in a ball of fire and Krupinski walked out unscathed. Later, hartmann became Krupinski's wingman as a favor to Pauli Rossman and the other NCO pilots because Walter Krupinski was seen as so reckless that the none of the NCO pilots wanted to be his wingman because they didn't want to be held responsible if/when Krupinski crashed/died (which ended up not happening as far as I know.) Most of Waltrud's character is very closely based on Walter Krupinski's personality, even more so than most of the witches. But yeah, to my knowlege she doesn't have a specific power that lends itself to being a member of the crusher trio.

--Snugglemuffins (SW talk) (SG talk) 22:24, January 12, 2013 (UTC)
